Monday, June 2, 2008

Grassroots Support

Running for office is an expensive enterprise. People often wonder where all the money comes from.

Today our electoral system is based on placing the best fundraisers in office, instead of the best people. In essence, our elections are being sold to the highest bidder. This must stop. I have taken a pledge not to accept money from PACs and lobbyists. As a result, all of my contributions come from individual supporters of my campaign. I have had over 500 different contributors donating an average of $208 each to my campaign. In addition, around 75% of the contributors are Virginians.

While it is a constant challenge to find revenue sources when the economy is slow, people everywhere are still taking action. With gas prices at nearly $4/gallon and families having a hard time making ends meet, the fact that so many people have personally invested in my race is a sign that they understand the importance of this election. With the high number of donors giving small donations, it is clear that this is a grassroots effort stemming from the overwhelming desire to change Congress.

I promise that when I am elected I will give a voice to the middle class, and continue to fight for the common values we share here in the 6th district.

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