Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Comment on Democratic Unity

This week Democrats from around the nation attend and watch the events unfold in Denver with high expectations of success this November. I am proud to complete a ticket with both Senator Obama and Governor Warner and thrilled for Virginia as we will be the focus of so much excitement.

We have an opportunity this year to show the world that our party believes in principles; an opportunity to put partisanship and power below the needs of the people. With questions looming about energy, the economy, and the integrity of our republic, we must stand tall together as Americans against those interests who seek profit over progress.
We know that the END goal is helping our battered families survive and rebuild, and we know that fighting as Democrats is an MEANS to that END. Together, we pledge not lose sight of that END that unifies us.

Join me tonight as Virginia proudly sends one of our own to the national stage and again on Thursday as we celebrate the shattered ceilings that have fallen this cycle.

I'll be fighting for you.

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