Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Letter To Me About Caring

Dear Sam,
As an 26 year old immigrant in this beautifull country, I can tell you that, as a Christian, it is one of the things that bother me the most here...the lack of respect for the children and the elderly.
When my mother died of ovarian cancer at the age of 50, I was only 20 and in college.
I stayed home to help my father raised my 5 younger sibblings until they were all out of the house.
My father passed away at my house many years later.
To this day, I do not have any regrets about the sacrifices my family had to make to accomodate his needs.
That is the strong fabric of any decent society and we are losing that battle very fast to the Chineese and many other nations.
Go for it and make enough noise about it to be heard...

Gerard Halloy Ph.D

1 comment:

Sam Rasoul said...

Hello Mr. Halloy,

I have enjoyed your input over the past several months and it is nice to know a little more about your story.

For you and so many others, I will be loud. God created humanity as an interactive community where we all interest in the well-being of all people. Many times, our selfishness gets in the way of moving forward together. This is the endless battle we will be in to the end of time. But people like us can really help to tip the scales in favor of goodness and righteousness. Pray for us all and we will keep fighting.
