Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Over $9,000,000,000,000

Our national debt has just recently surpassed $9 trillion and nearly $4 trillion of that came during the Bush administration.

In the first 225 years of our nation's existence we accumulated about $5 trillion in debt and in the past 6.5 years we have ADDED about $4 trillion!

Our debt has grown by 75% while Bush has been in office and our children will pay for this, quite literally. Talk about taking advantage of those who can't fight for themselves!

1 comment:

Neil said...

Remember this debt is only what is on the books as of now, and does not include "off the book" spending, or entitlement programs "medicare and social security". So 9 trillion is being generous, our big government spenders and irresponsible congressmen have let this problem almost reach the point of no return.