Saturday, May 3, 2008

Local Elections in Roanoke

A quick post just to remind registered voters in Roanoke City about the local elections May 6th.

Not only is it important that you personally remember to cast your ballot between 6am-7pm on Tuesday, but it is also critical that you encourage everyone you know to get out and vote. It is possible that only a few votes could decide who will be Roanoke's next Mayor, councilmen, and school board members. These elected officials will be making the decisions that directly impact our daily lives.

There will be phone banking for local Democrats on the ballot at our campaign office from 1:00PM-8:00PM on both Sunday and Monday. Please stop by the office at 5524 Williamson Road even if you only have a small amount of time to help out.

This is an election where one vote could make the difference!

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