Friday, July 11, 2008

Spreading the American Dream

Today I spoke with students traveling from Indonesia with Legacy International, a program teaching Indonesian children about government and civic participation in America and Indonesia.
I began by giving a background about myself beginning with my upbringing as a first-generation American. I grew up in a working-class family as the child of two immigrants. I told them that my success as a small business owner and as a candidate for federal office is one example fulfilling the American Dream.
The students were very bright and interested in hearing more about the American political process. They asked great questions about the structure of American government, and why I am running in such a "dirty" system (government is very corrupt in Indonesia). I told them that while American government is also full of corruption, I am running to help change that and to give a voice to those that do not have one in the system as it exists today.
The students were asked to introduce themselves at the end and explain what they want to do in life. One student explained that he is in line to be the next president of Indonesia. After stating this he said, "I want to be a good leader like you."
These students were such an inspiration to me. Their thirst for knowledge of the world is refreshing and truly admirable.

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